Peoples News

Jet Blue Rewards, South Dakota Pine Ridge Reservation and Pot, Lower Income Drivers and Energy Costs, Life Expectancy, China and Billionaires and Poverty, Inaccurate Coronavirus Information, Senator Kamala Harris, Working Families Party and Sanders, Delivery Drivers Fund, and Google and Facebook and Paid Time Off 03-12-2020
Private Equity and Single Family Housing Market, Black Population, Cory Booker, Afghanistan Elections, PM Netanyahu Corruption Case, TSA Workers and Coronavirus, Walmart Emergency Leave, School Closing, Alternative Health Insurance, NGOs and Modi, Congress and Grand Jury Evidence, and Stairway to Heaven 03-13-2020
Microsoft and Bot Nets, Institutional Investors, Single Family Rentals, Harvey Weinstein, Congress and Student Loans, NCAA Tournaments and NBA, Travel Ban, Stock Market, Elderly Populations, and Florida First and Fake Voter Registration Forms 03-14-2020