Peoples News

Racial Interactions, Security Commission, Police Encounters, Antifa Threat, Wikileaks, Nursing Homes in Louisiana, Travel to EU, Elective Surgery, Peanuts in Virginia, Mecca, and Confederate Monuments 06-25-2020
Arizona Mega Church and Air System, Johnson and Johnson Payout, Facebook and Germany, Ad Boycott of Facebook, Public Health Protests, Hospitals, Skin Lightening Cream, Bond Money to City of New Orleans, Trump and Protests and Covid, RoundUp, and GMO Crops 06-26-2020
Disneyland Unions, Soviet Union and Flu, NYC Quarantine, Google Data, Retirement Fund Investment, Affirmative Action in California, Job Loss, Cell Phone Location Data, Eye Disease Treatment and Kickbacks, Minnesota and Climate Change, Higher Learning Admittance, and NIS and Grants and Sexual Harassment 06-27-2020

Peoples News

Mail-in Ballots in NY, Small Business Loans, Social Media and Social Justice, Black Lives Matter, Seasonal Laborers, University of Mississippi and Confederate Statue, Pandemic and Inequality, Trump Campaign Rally, and Tribal Funds 06-22-2020
Police Deaths in NYC, Ecuador and Body Bag Contract, Japan and Unemployment Rate, Federal Minimum Wage, Consumption Decline, Johnson and Johnson and Skin Whitening Products, Covid Deaths and Age, Eskimo Pie, Poverty Rising, and Minneapolis Police Force and Race 06-23-2020
Tulsa Trump Rally, Corporate Debt, Biden and Campaign Funds, Cash and Card Using Households, Health and Delayed Care, Trump and Work Visas, Square and Credit Card Transactions, Sweden, Voting, South Carolina and Demonstrations, Voting Absentee, Rental Evictions in NYC, and Republicans and the ACA 06-24-2020