Peoples News

Registration in Germany, Vaccine, Country Out of Control, Choke-holds in NY, Liberty University and Black Face Mask, General Barr and Underground Bunker, Citizen Lab, Trump Polling, Nursing Home Workers and Testing, and Harvard’s Endowment 06-10-2020
Police Deaths in Britain, Gap Rent, Brazilian President and Covid Data, First Time Gun-owners and Suicide, Stimulus Packages and Hospitals, Emergency Room Patient Volume, Swedish Assassination, Trump and Antifa, Fixed Costs for Restaurants, Black Women Earnings, Facebook Revenue, and Free Meals and Seva 06-11-2020
British Tea Companies and Black Lives Matter, Commanders in Military and Race, Black Student Borrowers, Supplemental Benefits, Congress and Enhancement, Ford Foundation, Indonesia Stay at Home and Pollution, Amazon and Racial Recognition Software, Walmart, and Georgia Voting 06-12-2020
Trump and Confederate General Names, NASCAR, Pentagon, Flynn Charges, Black Lives Matter Support, Friendly Looking Faces, Ukraine and Surrogates, Military and Lafayette Square, Lower Valued Property Owners, SBA and Covid Loans, and Police Spending 06-13-2020