Banks made $7.73 BILLION in excess profits in 2022, and 15.8 MILLION NSF transactions were processed in 2023 alone. ACORN member Donna Borden and host Nichola Taylor discuss why the Federal Government must stick to their word and cap the NSF fees at $10.
Maritimes and Beyond; The State of Housing in Newfoundland and Labrador
Nichola talks to Jim Dinn leader of the NL NDP, about the housing situation in NL, rent control, and whether ACORN can be established in Newfoundland and Labrador in the future!
Maritimes and Beyond: Tackling Nova Scotia’s Energy Poverty Crisis
Nichola talks to Brian Gifford, Chair of the Energy Poverty Task Force, about tackling Nova Scotia’s energy poverty crisis and possible solutions recommended in the report A Way Forward: A Made-in-Nova Scotia Home Energy Affordability Program by Roger Colton.