Peoples News

Trump and Covid Vaccine, Conspiracy Theory and QAnon, Protesters, 737 Max Crashes, France Economy, War Crimes, Child Care and Workers, Postal Service, Fraud Protection Company, and the CDC and Covid Testing 09-21-2020
Christopher Ray of FBI, Brazilian Presidential Election, Medicare and Hospital Prices, Tear Gas Ban, LA Workforce Commission, Millionaires Tax, Felons in Florida, Foreclosure, Ruth Ginsburg, Drug Companies, and Shreveport Police Officers 09-22-2020
CDC and Testing Guidelines, Barr and Lockdown Orders, Mortgage Rates, EU and Asylum Seekers, Barbados as a Republic, Department of Education in Connecticut, Republicans, Puerto Rico, Early Voting, Health Care Coverage, Voter Encouragement, QAnon, Thailand, and Student Journalists 09-23-2020
Donations to Democrats, Women and Job Less, United States and Active Labor Polices, Emergency Go Bag, Women in US Prisons, Biden Campaign and Funds, Covid and Ireland, Renting Homes, Covid and Symptoms, Nuclear Weapons, and TikTok, 09-24-2020