Peoples News

Lady Antebellum, NYC Schools and Discrimination, Border Lawyer Arrested, Flynn Case, Tulsa Rally, Amazon Investigation, Race Protections and Transgender Patients, Business Protections and Covid and Liability Waivers, and George Floyd Video 06-14-2020
Blacks and Covid Deaths, Louisiana Governor and Pipeline Protests, Facebook Workplace, Workers over 65, Rapid Response Collection, Identity Checks, Peruvian Households and Running Water, Paris and Electric Bikes, Tucker Carlson, Facial Recognition Software, Starbucks, Statue in New Orleans, and Atlanta Police Shooting 06-15-2020
Mississippi and Confederate Flag, Texas Lynchings, Vaccines, Voting Behaviors, Internet Archives and E-books, Voter Registration, ERIC and Voter Lists, Act Blue, Companies and Layoffs, Race and the Courts, and Protestors and Tracking for Voter Registration 06-16-2020
Signal and Data, Gay and Transgender Workers, Britain and Class Movement, Japan and Power Harassment, Hurricane in Alabama, Tear Gas, FDA and Malaria Drug, Transportation Subsidies, PPP and Charter Schools, New Mexican Statue Protests, Insider Stock Trading, and George Floyd Protests 06-17-2020

Peoples News

Registration in Germany, Vaccine, Country Out of Control, Choke-holds in NY, Liberty University and Black Face Mask, General Barr and Underground Bunker, Citizen Lab, Trump Polling, Nursing Home Workers and Testing, and Harvard’s Endowment 06-10-2020
Police Deaths in Britain, Gap Rent, Brazilian President and Covid Data, First Time Gun-owners and Suicide, Stimulus Packages and Hospitals, Emergency Room Patient Volume, Swedish Assassination, Trump and Antifa, Fixed Costs for Restaurants, Black Women Earnings, Facebook Revenue, and Free Meals and Seva 06-11-2020
British Tea Companies and Black Lives Matter, Commanders in Military and Race, Black Student Borrowers, Supplemental Benefits, Congress and Enhancement, Ford Foundation, Indonesia Stay at Home and Pollution, Amazon and Racial Recognition Software, Walmart, and Georgia Voting 06-12-2020
Trump and Confederate General Names, NASCAR, Pentagon, Flynn Charges, Black Lives Matter Support, Friendly Looking Faces, Ukraine and Surrogates, Military and Lafayette Square, Lower Valued Property Owners, SBA and Covid Loans, and Police Spending 06-13-2020

Peoples News

Banking Regulators, Tax Commerce in Europe, Mail in Ballots in Texas, Troops in Washington DC, White Evangelicals, Space X Ad, Protests and Memorials, Tom Cotton Opt Ed in NY Times, Wall Breeches, and Wealthy Families and Donations 06-06-2020
Google and Presidential Campaign, Bond Buying Program, Iowa Senator and Nominees, Drew Brees, Students Falling Behind, Bank Account Holders and Fees, Businesses, Pilgrim Pride and Price Fixing, Google Searches, US Workers and Jobless Benefits, Philippines President Terrorism Bill, and Payday Lenders 06-07-2020
Minneapolis and Choke-holds, NFL Apology, Rand Paul and Anti-Lynching Bill, Daycare Restrictions, Nursing Homes, EPA and Roundup, US Marine Corps and Confederate Flag, Paid Home Care, Police Arrests and Outside Influence, Sex Toys, and Brazil and Covid Data 06-08-2020
Iran and Honor Killing, Tourism and Jobs, IMF and South Korean Economy, Jobless Rate for Black Workers, European Citizens and Covid, Informal Economy in Mexico, Reporter’s Rights, Tax Exempt and Major Donors, Incorrect Voter Data, and Hospital Chains and Emergency Funds 06-09-2020

Peoples News

Meat Packing Industry, Tenant Screenings, Store Closings, Mexican Killings, Tate Museum, Israel and West Bank, Nonprofit and Money Transfers, President of Brazil and Supreme Court, Target, Buying Guns, Bolivia, and Colin Kaepernick and Legal Representation 06-02-2020
Columbia, Remote Work and Homebuying, Businesses and Great Recession, Middle Income Households, Debt, Government Aide, Trump Photo Opt, Virus Deaths, Ochsner Health System Covid Patients, Low Income and Middle Income Countries, Flight Attendants, and Economy 06-03-2020
Putin and Term Limits, Voter Purges in Wisconin, NYC Police Twitter Account, Court Watch NOLA and Domestic Abuse Cases, Minneapolis Schools and Police Contract, Protests, Minnesota Human Rights and Discrimination, Primary Elections, Facebook and Hate Speech, and Publicly Traded Firms 06-04-2020
Former Secretary of Defense and Military Force, Trump Polling, Senator Cotton and Protests, UAW President Pleads Guilty, Snap Chat Trump Account, Robert E Lee Site, Britain Immigration Rules and Hong Kong, and Sports Venues and Budgets 06-05-2020

Peoples News

High End Apartments, Fuel Efficiency, New Jersey and Sexual Assault Case, Education Secretary and Private School Funding, Kramer and Aids Crisis, Trump Fact Checking, Trump Endorsements, Covid Death Total, and Domestic Water and Arsenic 05-29-2020
Louisiana Companies and Tax Breaks, Drones for Sanitation, UN and the Economy, Pharmacies and Opioid Crisis, Nursing Homes and Government Aide, Covid Drug, Costa Rico and Same Sex Marriage, Block Clubs and Covid, Mushrooms, Riots and Police Killing, Liability for Social Media, and San Francisco and Tax on Landlords for Vacant Property 05-30-2020
Cash Money and Rent, Unemployment Claims, Car Parking, CRA, ACLU and Clearview AI and Online Photos, Covid Deaths, UWA and Sexual Harassment, George Floyd, Churches and State Restrictions, Federal Student Loan Forgiveness, Ballot Requests, and Honduras and Security Forces 05-31-2020
Union Bus Drivers and Protestors, Facebook Pages, G-7 Meeting, Affordable Housing Unions, Space X, Kansas Senate Seat, Trump Polling, Absolute Mobility, Venezuela Coup, and Ethiopian Elections 06-01-2020