Chief Organizer Report Week of 8.30.21

CORR #5623. Hurricane Ida Finds Worse Angels in Rouge Contraflow
CORR #5624. Amazon There Has to be a Better Way – Part I-
 CORR #5625. The NLRB Won’t Be the Answer – Part II
 CORR #5626. What We Learned with Walmart Organizing in Florida and Beyond – Part III
CORR #5627. Teaching Walmart Lessons and Learning Lessons for Amazon and Others – Part IV.
CORR #5628. Power Failure
 CORR #5629. Poachers on the Bayou

Voice of the People: Week of 8.23.21

 PN #2983 Weeds Congress Catholics Ownership Bulgaria India Military Mortgages Baker Travel Samaritan

PN #2984 Sweden. Corporations. Samaritans. Walmart. Yelp. Rolling Stones. Work. Airlines. Asylum. Smithsonian. Theranos
PN #2985 Population. Energy. FDA. Proud Boys. Cuomo. Voters. Donors
PN #2986 Kidnap. Facebook. Sanctions. Police. Breaks.Hackers. Montenegro. Wastewater. OnlyFans. Travel
PN #2987. Afghanistan. Floods. Zoning. Jan 6. Evictions. Apple. Time’s Up. NFL. Voting

PN #2988 Philippines Masks Evictions Japan Bangladesh Dental Canada Puerto Rico Afghanistan