Supreme Court and Green Cards, Pricing Software, France and TNT, Pakistan Civil Rights Leader, News, Defendants and Bail, Equal Rights Amendment, John Bolton, Federal Debt, Kenya, Arizona Voting Restrictions, Chipotle Child Labor Laws, and Google Space 01-31-2020
Facebook and Photo Labeling, Economic Output, Household Debts, Westwego and Permits for Chemical Plant, Grounding Boeing Costs, Special Forces, Brexit, Loss of Benefits and Mail, Impeachment, and NYC Homeless Housing Agency 02-01-2020
Nebraska and DC and Marriott, Amazon and Himalayas, UK Forests, Witnesses for Impeachment, Foreign Nationals and Travel into USA, Family Financials, Kenya ID Program, Minnesota and Wrongful Conviction, Airbus Settlement, Children Giving Parents Money 02-02-2020
Housing Costs and Poverty Rate in California, WHO and Global Emergency, Guardian and Climate Change, Animal Testing, NFL Teams, Best Lip Readers, Private Security Firms and Jobs, and Racist Robo Calls, Advertising During Super Bowl, Travel Ban, SAT and Bias, and Legal Assistance Treaty Request 02-03-2020
Rental Prices in Berlin, Democrat Views, Smoking, Gulf States Muslim Nations, Iowa Election, Coronavirus, Japan and Coal Fire Power Plants, Public School Students and Homelessness, Mutual Fund Industry, YouTube and Misleading Content, Middle Age and Muscle Mass, and the Kansas City Chiefs 02-04-2020