Peoples News

Women’s Incarceration, Kissing and Bacteria, Black Farmers, Evo Morales, Russian Interference in Madagascar, Streaming, High Hazard Dams, Slave Reenactment, Overcharges, Census Bureau Database, India and Alcohol, Brazil Official Release, Flying Air Force One Costs, and Sanders and Latino Voters 11-14-2019
Louvre Popularity, Paid Family Leave, Bathrooms, Rick Perry Deals, Adolescents and Self-Harm, Gambia and Myanmar Genocide, Boris Johnson, DACA Case, Medical and Scientific Advice, and Facebook Bias 11-15-2019
Sustainability Funds and Oil and Gas Stocks, Deval Patrick and Democratic Primary, Trump Accounting Firm, Air Pollution Deaths, NY State and Undocumented Drivers Licenses, Steven Miller and Leaked Emails, Google Computer System and Discrimination, and Physical Fitness and Dementia 11-16-2019

Peoples News

Cigarette Ban, Unmarried Couples and Recession, Equipment Fraud, BBC and Court Gender Gap, Patient Extortion and HIV Drugs, Soccer Pay, Hong Kong and Businesses, Jim Crow in Mississippi, Bangladesh and University Control, and Groping App in Japan 11-11-2019
Legal Pot and Costs, Parents of Harvard Students and Income, People of Color, Special Education and Flint, Methane Spikes in LA, Bloomberg, Tackle Football, Blacks in US, Black Freshmen in Ivy League Colleges, and Saint Martin and Low Income Populations 11-12-2019
Ethics and Interior Secretary, Virginia Population, Cattle Ranching, Chapter 11 Bankruptcy Cases, Reconstruction, and Skills Distribution 11-13-2019

Peoples News

Oil Market, Immigrants and Health Insurance, Thefts of Intellectual Property, TicTok, Jane Fonda, Chile Protests, Clothing and Footwear and Greenhouse Gases, Minimum Wages, Coffee Benefits, and Astrologer and Ronald Reagan 11-06-2019
Paris Climate Agreement, NY and Trump Taxes, Premature Birth Rate in Louisiana, Consumers and Economy, Protests on Iraq, California and Housing Crisis, Prison Rates, Digital Assistance and Hacking, Utah and Navajoes in County Commission, Plastic in the Ocean, and the Unemployment Rate 11-07-2019
Phone Records and Trump Assault, Ukraine, Trade Gap, Federally Recognized Tribes, Italy and Climate Change, Emmett Till Memorial Alarm, Detective and GED Match in Florida, National Traffic Safety Board, Bicycling Deaths, Colleges and Exclusivity, Working Class Protects, and Voters 11-08-2019
New Jersey and Health Care Systems and Affordable Housing, Farm Towns in the US, New Orleans Lead Testing, F Rated Public Schools, Federal Judge and Health Care Workers, Moderate Voters, Civil Servants in Zimbabwe, Kansas City Voters and MLK Street, Tuscon Arizona and Sanctuary, Boston City Council, New Jersey and AirBnb, and Facebook and Privacy 11-09-2019
Congressional Lawmakers and Tax Breaks, Spying, Habitual Actions, Fruit Servings, Mother Jones and National Housing Prices, Pesticides, GAO and Taxpayers and Oil in the West, US Homes in Flood Zones, Trump Foundation Fines, Harriet Movie and 504 Queens, Escorting Undocumented Migrants, Philippines and War on Drugs, and Voters 11-10-2019

Peoples News

Coalition of Death Alley March Arrests, Industrial Belt in Louisiana, Foresters, Amazon and Seattle City Council, Reading Scores, Twitter and Political Ads, Hong Kong, Chile and International Conferences, Uber and Guarantee Wage, Fine Particulate Pollution, GAO and Drilling in Gulf of Mexico, and House of Representatives and Impeachment 11-03-2019
Trump Residency Change, Working One Hour a Week, Unpaid School Lunches, Protests in Bolivia, Chicago Teacher Strike, Islam and French Society, Fake Local News, Unpaid Care Giving, Colombian Farmers, Debunking Software, Student Data Assistance, and Delhi Toxic Cloud 11-04-2019
Beto Drops Out, Sidewalk Labs, DHHS and Discrimination, Free Market and Casino Effect, President of Autoworkers and Corruption, European Farm Subsidies, Hotel Tonight and Sunday Stays, Trump and Evangelicals, UK Fracking, Alzheimer’s’ and Wandering, and Drunk Driving Tests 11-05-2019

Peoples News

Argentina Debt, Environmental Activist Assassinated, Oil and Gas, Boeing, NC Congressional Map, Jeremy Corbin, Amazon and Bangladesh Exporters, Ukraine Expert, Harriet Tubman and Civil War, Ultra-Processed Foods, and Scooter Company Juicers 10-30-2019
Nobel Laurette and Welfare Queens, College Athletes, Facebook Lawsuit, ACT Test, Opportunity Zones and Tax Breaks, Chile Protests, Lebanese President, Affordable Housing, Raising Seas, Hong Kong and District Council Seat, and Non-Profit Housing Organization and Union 10-31-2019
Working Families Party in NYC, Uber and Lyft in California, Broadcast Networks and Political Ads, TPS in El Salvador, Fathers and Sons, Washington Gun Sale Tax, PEW Research and Spiritual Beliefs, and the Emmett Till Memory Project 11-01-2019
Inspector Generals and Whistleblowers, Teachers’ Strikes, Emergency Savings, NYC and Green Spaces, MIT and Media Labs and Green Project, Human Rights Groups and Dead Activist in China, Johnny Walker, Forest Bathing, Wild Polio Viruses, and Pakistan and Health Care Spending 11-02-2019